Testimonials from Anchor & Key Ministry Receivers

Beth*, Hartford, CT
My session targeted key issues that were blocking me from hearing the voice of God. I love that I have been given specific tools to combat the lies of the enemy as well as being able to participate in the Freedom Connect group with others who have also gone through the session work.

Matthew*, Canton, CT
Since my session, I have definitely felt a lifting off of the specific things that were identified and we prayed against. The following day, I was aware of a new sense of calm and a lack of anxiety and driven-ness. I am also experiencing a new confidence, walking in my true identity and refusing to let shame and inferiority beat me down.

Kelly*, Greensboro, NC
I have been transformed by Jesus through the tenants of this ministry (which is really just the Gospel laid out in a very applicable and methodical way.)
It has changed the trajectory of my life and my family! To Him be the glory!

Katie*, Enfield, CT
I found my session with Anchor & Key to be life changing in how it opened my eyes to how the enemy has enjoyed toying with me my whole life and keeping me rendered ineffective with his lies about my worth. Now, if I am feeling worried or unloved or even despairing, a new thought pops into my head and it reminds me I have to be vigilant about remembering the truth of who I am in Christ.

Joe & Cindy*, CT
Little did we know, after receiving individual RTF ministry, that it
would be only the beginning of an incredible healing journey for
both of us. As individuals we were finally free from the oppression caused by anger, addiction, insecurity, and control.
But one thing remained—our struggling marriage.
The Freedom Marriage
coaching we received was exactly what we needed to address
the areas that still needed healing within our marriage. Now, with Renee and Jimmy’s love and ongoing support, we are finally able
to push past 20 years of anger and pain, replacing it with hope and joy as we learn to love the way God intended.

Eric*, North Carolina
My first session with Jimmy and Renee two years ago was the start of an exciting journey to a new found freedom in Christ and a much deeper, more intimate relationship
with Jesus and Father God. The Lord has worked little by little to replace my performance and self-reliant mindset with one of trusting and resting in Him. As a result, I have experienced much greater joy and peace. During this journey that the
Lord still has me on, the coaching that I have received from Jimmy and Renee has been invaluable. It has also been vitally important to keep in touch with others who are on
their own healing journey, both through the Freedom Connect Group and individual friendships.
Recently I also became certified as an Issue Focused Minister and look
forward to empowering others like me to live in freedom.

Amy*- Attorney,
West Hartford
Walking through multiple ministry sessions has connected the dots between the theory of Biblical healing and the practicality of it for me. All Christians claim a victory from Christ initially with salvation, but few practically apply Biblical teachings to their life to claim the rest of the freedom that Christ offers. Renee and
Jimmy have gone beyond a one time ministry session. They have shown me and taught me how to de-silo and integrate my Christian "church" life into every aspect of my life through
allowing me to bear witness to their steps of faith and fruits of their ministry. Renee has coached me, held me accountable, spoken truth when lies would have been easier, and loved me with a love that comes only
from Jesus. It has changed the
direction of my life!
I'll never go back!

Gloria*, Birmingham, AL
God is using the Story's ministry in my life in mighty ways. By uncovering and uprooting sins, lies and curses in 4 categories, I
experienced a freedom and new sense of Holy Spirit power in my life that I have never had.I feel like I am actively engaged in
daily battle with power, focus and victory. I no longer feel impotent and a slave to my emotional reactions.I have real tools now.
I had not realized until this process, how much I functioned subconsciously as an
orphan and not a beloved child of a merciful
and very present God. They
are truly anointed and full of compassion and wisdom and have helped me walk out my healing journey. So