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Transformation Coaching Program

Transformation Coaching Program (TCP)* is an ongoing partnership that pairs a coach with a ministry receiver for continued support in walking out transformation. This program is offered to those who have committed to an RTF session.

    More often than we would like to admit, we have things we know but we don't follow through on them to see a change in our lives. If you're struggling with your commitment to a new habit, like going to the gym to gain a stronger body, you hire a trainer. This program allows the pairing of a mature, equipped "trainer" and a new ministry receiver to see the most change in the individuals life. This discipleship or coaching model has been highly effective in the lives of those who have been through it.

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Session Follow Up

Essential Coaching to allow RTF tools to be fully integrated with support.

Deeper Healing Tools

Wholeness is a lifelong practice and we offer many resources for continued wholeness.

Practical Application

Life happens and we need ongoing support for the life challenges we face.

Intercessor Network

Spiritual warfare is real and having trained intercessors is an incredible resource to us.

Anchor & Key Freedom Pathway to a Transformed Life
Issue Focus
Transformation Coaching
Freedom Connect Group

Basic details listed below. Customized Ministry plan according to each ministry receiver personal needs. *fee based    

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